How to avoid bouncing rate from your website

When we ask business owners how well their site is performing, they often quote a Bounce Rate percentage. If you are trying to understand why your site is not producing the results you want, bounce rate is a very useful indicator of where issues might be occurring. This is also recitifed by several Web Designers Nashville.
It is defined as the percentage of visitors who visit a particular site and then run off ("bounce") instead of carrying on viewing further pages of the same site. Bounce rates are important factors to determine the performance of the landing page. Low bounce rates mean more visitors browsing your website and visiting your pages.
Low bounce rates further indicate that when it comes to attracting the consistent interest of visitors, your website is doing a good job. Here are following tips through which the Web Designers Nashville working for you can ensure a low bounce rate on your website.

Remove Pop-Ups:
This one shouldn’t come as a surprise at all! Nobody wants to keep closing the pop-ups while going through your website. If you search for the most irritating things on a website, you’ll find that pop-ups top the list.
If your website pops-up useless ads within the first five seconds, your visitors will leave the page faster than Bruce Lee’s one-inch punch.

Provide a Clear Navigation:
Imagine you visit a town you’ve never been to before. You could be visiting the town for numerous reasons, maybe you were looking for something or someone, or some great cafĂ© or bar you heard about. Or you might be just visiting it as a traveler. In any case, when you reach there, you find the whole place is like some mad kid tried to play Farmville.
Now, put the same scenario for your website. A website that isn’t easy to navigate and where visitors can’t find what they are looking for, well, do the math.

Poor Design Kills Credibility:
This point might not come as shocker either, right? It’s a universal fact that we love to look at things that are attractive. Websites are not an exception to this fact. Attractive pages with catchy items will keep your visitors glued to your website, and this precisely what we all want.
If your website is not designed properly, and by that, we mean a bad design, insufficient and poor graphics and a haphazard layout, it won’t take a rocket scientist to know the inevitable.

Make Sure It’s Mobile-Friendly:
Facebook, Twitter and many such social media sites and blog sites like StumbledUpon have one thing in common, mobile apps. Even the majority of successful E-commerce sites have got their own mobile apps.


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